Be prepared and protect your hard earned money and property and get your affairs in order. We are offering a $200 off coupon towards our estate planning services this summer. Take advantage now!
Elder Law Attorney, Greg McIntyre, explains why he practices Elder Law and founded McIntyre Elder Law, a Firm with a focus on estate planning and elder law. Learn more at or call: 704-749-9244.
Brenton talks about his career, tells us a little bit about himself, and why he practices elder law. Learn more at or call: 704-749-9244.
My book "Saving the Farm" can help answer questions regarding how to protect assets, plan for the future and pay for long term care. It is your guide to aging in America. Get your copy today! Call: 704-259-7040 or online at
You may now purchase eCourses and our books on Estate Planning and Elder Law along with other great products in the McIntyre Education eStore. Click the button below to explore.