I once heard that fulfillment is a result of foregoing short-term pleasure to reach a long-term goal. When I heard that, it made sense to me immediately. When I think about it, everything I am proud of in my life is a result of hard work, discipline, and dedication. With that realization comes a further revelation: the biggest irony in life is the fact that it is human nature to avoid
hard things. We know eating right, exercising, flossing, and paying our taxes are good for us. However, as human beings, we avoid all those things as much as possible. We do this because we are geared to seek short-term gratification.
The biggest irony in life is the fact that it is human nature to avoid hard things. Are you avoiding estate planning even though you know you need to do it? Brenton and Greg talk about overcoming this fear and planning made easy. Schedule your Free Consult today. Call: 704-749-9244 or online at: mcelderlaw.com/bookfreeconsult.