Medicare WILL NOT PAY for Long Term Care.
Many people are under this mistaken assumption. Medicare will pay for healthcare items like emergency visits to the hospital or checkups but not for long term care such as in home, assisted living or nursing home care.
70% of seniors will need some type of long term care: In Home, Assisted Living or Nursing Home Care.1
Those are huge numbers/odds. Do you want to play those odds? Knowing is half the battle and allows you to plan ahead. Long Term Care insurance can take a fraction of total income or assets to help protect the remaining money and property and give more access to in home, assisted living and nursing home case.
Effectively Eliminate the "Look-Back Period".
Many seniors are worried about a Medicaid Look-Back Period to protect assets and pay for long term care. With the right Long Term Care insurance option you can effectively eliminate a look-0back period for a long term Medicaid benefit giving you an insurance option to help pay for any long term care need while acting to protect assets during that time period. This can be a tremendous help to a family and can be the difference between protecting their hard earned
money and property and losing everything. 1 2017 US Department of Health and Human Services (