Hey ! When I sit
down with a family member, with an individual or a couple, I want to start by identifying their assets and I want to make a list of their assets. Generally, I ask them to make a list of assets before they come in. They will list out their home, if they own one, a car, bank accounts, things that they’ve accumulated over their life with their hard work. What is your list of hard-earned money and property?
The reason I want to do that is it, number one, informs me as the attorney of what we’re dealing with. Number two, it gets them thinking. One the ways that I obtain clarity on any subject is to write things out. As they’re writing it down, I
guarantee you, as you do that, you will start to think about those assets and the people or charitable organizations you want to receive them. A will is designed to help you pass your property on after you pass away. A will has no power while you’re alive and only has power after you pass away.